Brown or discolored water, warm spots in the floor, soaked carpeting, ceilings or walls and abnormally high water bills are all signs of failing pipes. Under ordinary conditions, the copper pipes that are commonly used in most homes are durable and long-lasting. They do, however, sometimes develop leaks that can cause damage to your home and therefore pipe leak repair is critical. If not caught and repaired, these leaks can cause significant damage to your home.

Some of the most common leaks can occur around bathtubs and showers, drains, sinks, washing machines, dishwashers and toilets. Some leaks are obvious, such as dripping faucets and leaking water heaters. But unfortunately, many go undetected for years because they are not visible.

When you detect a water leak in your home due to a leaky pipe, it is important to get it repaired as soon as possible. The best course of action is to call a professional plumber, such as Kentwood Water Restoration, that is skilled in pipe repair.

Homeowners can often make temporary repairs to keep water pipes in working order until permanent repairs can be made. A temporary pipe leak repair allows toilets, sinks and other plumbing fixtures to remain in use. However, please be aware that these temporary fixes are just that and should never be depended on as a long-term repair.

Some pipe leak repair options may include:

  • If the leak is in the joint, tighten the joint.

  • If the leak is in the pipe, you may be able to remove the damaged section of pipe and replace it.

  • If you have a minor leak, such as a small hole in a pipe, you can wrap waterproof tape over the bad spot in the pipe. This is only a quick, temporary fix.

There are many things that can contribute to a leaky pipe. A number of factors can work alone or in combination to affect any piping system.

  • Corrosion may be the result of a chemical reaction, water quality or age. Corrosion can affect every aspect of any plumbing fixture and it should be repaired immediately.

  • Rust is the most common form of corrosion, and is usually found in older galvanized steel pipes. Newer PVC or copper pipes are not vulnerable to rust, but many different parts of the plumbing fixtures in your home are.

  • In modern plumbing, cracks are rare, but still possible. A crack can occur in most any plumbing fixture, and you should replace any fixture that develops a crack.

  • The joints in your pipe system can degrade and develop leaks over time. The most notable sign of leaky pipe joints is a lack of water pressure. Unfortunately, leaky pipe joints are typically hidden behind walls and the foundation of your home, and you may not notice one until it is too late.

If you do suspect a leaky pipe, but don’t know where it’s located, Kentwood Water Restoration can help. We specialize in pipe leak repairs and can advise homeowners on a variety of leak repair options for some of the most frequent occurrences. If you experience flooding due to a leak, we also provide full-service plumbing repair, including water damage restoration.